Justice for Immigrants
The Justice for Immigrants Campaign is an ongoing campaign vehicle with which we organize to stand up to incidents, policies, practices and laws that target or dehumanize immigrants. We work together with other organizations and other communities in coalition to build collective power.
Campaign Achievements
Fuerza Laboral, teaming up with the Immigrant Coalition of Rhode Island, and many other activists, helped for people living without documentation in Rhode Island will be able to get driver's permits. Gov. Dan McKee signed the legislation into law on June 25, 2022, at a ceremony at the Division of Motor Vehicles, this bill will make driving in Rhode Island safer and strengthen the economy.
Fuerza Laboral has also teamed up with different organizations to give community forums, instructional media, and personalized information to the undocumented population so they can successfully get their drivers permit.Through our work with several RI-based worker and immigrant rights groups in the We Are All Arizona (Todos Somos Arizona) coalition, we won two structural change commitments from RI decision-makers in 2014:
At Fuerza Laboral’s gubernatorial forum, all three Democratic candidates for Governor of RI committed that upon entering office they will issue Executive Orders to allow undocumented state residents to obtain driver’s licenses and end the practice of honoring ICE holds, which facilitate deportation.
Shortly after we secured this commitment from the Democratic candidates, the current Governor announced an Executive Order to end ICE holds in RI. Our three-year Justice for Immigrants Campaign was in large part responsible for this victory.
Fuerza was RI's lead coordinating organization for the March on Washington on March 21, 2010 for Comprehensive Immigration Reform. We led fundraising efforts to pay for transportation and coordinated travel and march logistics for over 250 marchers from Rhode Island.